Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Persuasive Writing for the 2016 Election

Last night the new 2012 elections came to an end.  Today in class I asked the 4th and 5th graders:

If it was up to you to pick a candidate for the 2016 elections who would you pick? 
The Assignment:  Write a persuasive paper on why your pick would make a great President of the United States.  This can be a real person or it can be a fictional character.  Remember to support your claim with at least three supportive elements. You may use Logical, Emotional and/or Moral arguments to support your claim.  Just from walking around the room I can tell we are going to get some interesting options! :)

This video was a great way to reintroduce persuasive writing and get students thinking about how it is all around Ms. McGurn really enjoys the music selections.

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