Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Action and Linking Verbs

When learning the differences between action and linking verbs it always helps to have 
a cartoon to show.  Lights, camera, action verb!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey? What Turkey?

4th graders were asked to write a persuasive writing piece in the point of view of a turkey.  The purpose of the paper was to convince the farmer to spare their lives.  They did a great job and came up with some really creative reasons.

Along with their paper, they were also asked to disguise a picture of a turkey so that the farmer would have a harder time recognizing him/her.  They came up with some extremely creative ideas!  As usual, I have been very impressed.  Keep up the great work!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lit Circles

In Reading we have started something that is new for the class, literature circles.  The entire class was given a copy of Sharon Creech's Newbery Award winning novel, Walk Two Moons and were divided into groups.

Before we broke up into groups we went over expectations and what successful literature circles look like.  We also discussed what the benefits of literature circles are as a class.  Our literature circles meet twice a week and each person has a job within the groups.
Each group is accountable for deciding who is what job each time they meet and also for deciding what page they will read to by their next meeting.  The groups each have their own binders where I place worksheets or items that I want them to work on after their discussions.  Sometimes it is vocabulary work, short answers or an activity.  I love to see them working independently to set goals for themselves and show accountability.  I'm looking forward to our end of book activities that I have planned which will take place after Thanksgiving.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Spelling List

Here is this week's spelling list.  Last test before Thanksgiving break! :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Persuasive Writing for the 2016 Election

Last night the new 2012 elections came to an end.  Today in class I asked the 4th and 5th graders:

If it was up to you to pick a candidate for the 2016 elections who would you pick? 
The Assignment:  Write a persuasive paper on why your pick would make a great President of the United States.  This can be a real person or it can be a fictional character.  Remember to support your claim with at least three supportive elements. You may use Logical, Emotional and/or Moral arguments to support your claim.  Just from walking around the room I can tell we are going to get some interesting options! :)

This video was a great way to reintroduce persuasive writing and get students thinking about how it is all around us...plus Ms. McGurn really enjoys the music selections.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Word Cemetery

In the spirit of Halloween, and in the name of good word choice, the 4th and 5th graders created a word cemetery.  This is a way to "bury" some of the overused words (said, good, bad, small, big) and think of some other words to use in their place.  4th graders came up with 8 replacement words while the 5th grade came up with 10.  While this was a fun and timely activity it really got the students thinking about other words they can use and how their word choice can really improve their writing. The adorable decor was just an added bonus! :)